The drink that made me go "Ahh..."

You had me at the first drink ;-)Coconut water anyone?  

I LOVE coconut water. There are several brands & types in the market shelves. The “Real” and “Zico”; the two brazilian products have so far been my favorite. They are refreshing drink and if you could afford to trade in your empty calorie soft drinks with coconut  drink; you will be amazed at benefits the drink can bring to you.

Coconut water is nutritious drink packed with vitamins and minerals. The antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant in Coconut Water is health beneficial. This nutrient rich drink has been used to regulate blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, and it has been found to boost energy levels and increase metabolism in the human body. It is also said to be beneficial in treating kidney stones, controlling diabetes and cleansing your digestive tract.  Want smooth skin? Try coconut water on daily basis.

Coconut water has no cholesterol and is low in calories, carbs and sugar. It is packed with potassium more than in a banana and 15 times more than in sports drink; which helps prevent cramping and promote muscle performance. Coconut water has all the important electrolytes – potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous; all of which our body needs to keep our nerves firing, muscles moving and of course, managing stress.

It could very well be replaced for my sports drink; although coconut water contains less amount of sodium than sports drink to replenish sodium lost through perspiration; in that matter even the sodium content in sports drink is not enough to replace the sodium lost through sweat.

However many the health benefits of coconut water might be; to me the craziness of it all started when I drank a COLD pack of  “Real” after a 10 miles run on a humid afternoon. It made me go “Ahh…”.  It cooled me off instantly and I felt so good that I could not help googling for “Real” when I came home. The individual pack was expensive and I wanted to find the best deal on the net. It was then that I read  about coconut water and why it is so fast becoming the “new sports drink”.  I had heard that coconut water is good for you; I just did not know how good. 🙂 The only complain I have so far is “it is one expensive drink to get habituated to”. I cannot make it my regular drink yet. Not just yet 🙂

Zico Rocks. Love this drink